SSL Certificates

Need to accept confidential information or payments via your website? If so you must ensure you get a secure certificate for your site so your customers can feel comfortable knowing that their visit is encyprted using the latest 128-256bit encryption methods.

SSL Certificate Pricing

Turbo SSL + IP Address
- Domain only validation
- Up to 256-bit encryption
- 99% Browser recognition
- Site Seal
- Unique IP address
- $2000 Warranty

$120 AUD PER YEAR - Place your order now for Turbo SSL

High-Assurance SSL
- Full company or individual validation
- Up to 256-bit encryption
- 99% Browser recognition
- Site Seal
- Unique IP address
- $2000 Warranty

$200 AUD PER YEAR - Place your order now for High-Assurance SSL

*All prices inclusive of GST